Tag Archives: security

Hey Look I found a USB Flash Drive

This happened to me.. I was servicing a computer the other day, running updates double checking backups, routine stuff. I had connected across the network using a remote client to a shared computer when I saw a notice in the taskbar that a device was connected and it was ready for use. I blinked and got a worried feeling. I opened up Windows Explorer and spotted a new hard drive. Continue reading Hey Look I found a USB Flash Drive


Phishing and bad IT

How many times do we as IT Professionals tell our users (and anyone else who stands still long enough) not to click embedded web links in their e-mail? What, maybe a billion times a year? I, like most IT Pros, have a long e-mail about IT Security covering passwords, data security, phishing attacks, and social engineering, that I send this out to my users on a regular basis with the hope that seeing my reminder several times a year will help to protect my usersĀ and their families. Continue reading Phishing and bad IT


We’re not prepared against cyber threats

A man hitting his head on a brick wall.

FEMA released a report on the cybersecurity preparedness of government states and territories. Bad news – we failed. Only 42% of the respondents reported that they were ready for cybersecurity threats. So even with a 650% increase in cyber incidents reported of the last five years we as a nation still don’t take our cyber security seriously.

If the states can’t keep them self safe, what chance do the rest of us have?
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Continue reading We’re not prepared against cyber threats
