How we survived the Ice Storm (part 3)

We’ve looked at how we prepared before the ice storm and how we lived during the ice storm, but now lets look at how our plans stood up to the disaster. Honestly, I think we did pretty good. We had plenty of the basics, food, fuel, heat, water and medication.

A corded telephone sitting on a shelf.We had good external communications. Our corded phone Continue reading How we survived the Ice Storm (part 3)


How we survived the Ice Storm (part 1)

I wish I could say we survived it by heading to a tropical island – but we didn’t. Instead we got to put our money where our mouth is and survive with the plans and equipment we had in place.

My plans start with the basics, get a kit. I’ve out lined the basics of that process before. The advice works for just about any disaster, and in the planning process you can tweak your kit to include extra items to cover those unique issues you, your family or your business might encounter. Continue reading How we survived the Ice Storm (part 1)


Researching ways to improve scientist's access to data. Programming software to solve humanity's problems. Disseminating emergency preparedness knowledge. Sharing knowledge about science. Practicing amateur radio. Serving humanity through volunteer efforts.