Category Archives: Computers

Skills gap

93% of employers report an lack of desired IT skills in their own IT staff according to a recent survey of Business Executives.A Helpdesk tech working at a computer.How interesting.. so 9 of 10 Executives don’t believe their own IT staff have the skills needed to complete their jobs. I don’t know if this means the Executives don’t understand what their IT staffers are doing on a daily basis or if the IT staff can’t describe what they do to their executives, or if the IT staff just has no idea what they are doing.

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IT Priorities

A report came out recently that made me very happy. It had nothing to do with my 401k, but it did have to do with IT Priorities. It seems that most businesses are starting to heed the warnings the IT Industry have been giving for years.

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I can’t share my file?

One of the most common calls I get goes like this..Two users calling a helpdesk.User : “Our computers were working last week, now they won’t share files, Help!”

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