Researching ways to improve scientist's access to data. Programming software to solve humanity's problems. Disseminating emergency preparedness knowledge. Sharing knowledge about science. Practicing amateur radio. Serving humanity through volunteer efforts. Drives a robot to work.
You take the time to carefully craft that proposal in Outlook, you pick the right fonts and choose the right colors, then with a quick wish for success you mash send and hope your newest customer loves this proposal.
The clock ticks forward…
…nothing, sweat beads on your brow and you worry over the wording and the price, maybe that font should have been more blue? Continue reading Winmail.dat→
Researching ways to improve scientist’s access to data. Programming software to solve humanity’s problems. Disseminating emergency preparedness knowledge. Sharing knowledge about science. Practicing amateur radio. Serving humanity through volunteer efforts. Drives a robot to work.
“Fire! Fire! Evacuate now! Fire! Fire!”, commands the fire alarm.
We do what we’re told and leave the building. But then what do we do? A good plan doesn’t stop at the exit, it needs to also plan for recovery. How do we know it’s safe to go back inside? What if we can’t go back inside, where do we go? What if this is a hazardous material incident or terrorist attack? What about an incident in the middle of a storm? Continue reading Evacuate … now what?→
Researching ways to improve scientist’s access to data. Programming software to solve humanity’s problems. Disseminating emergency preparedness knowledge. Sharing knowledge about science. Practicing amateur radio. Serving humanity through volunteer efforts. Drives a robot to work.
We talk a lot about external threats. In our minds we see them; in a dark warehouse, the air filled with blue smoke from their cigarettes, thick foreign accents punctuate the frenzied clicking of keyboards as streams of highly secret data are lifted from your business. Now we flash stateside, an office building, inside there is panic as computers crash and network lights flash frantically calling for help as the President of the company collapses to the floor sobbing into his hands. Okay so maybe it’s not quite that dramatic, but we all know that fear – it’s why we spend millions of dollars each year on anti-virus, anti-malware, firewalls and security audits.. to keep THEM out of OUR networks, and to keep OUR data secure.
Researching ways to improve scientist’s access to data. Programming software to solve humanity’s problems. Disseminating emergency preparedness knowledge. Sharing knowledge about science. Practicing amateur radio. Serving humanity through volunteer efforts. Drives a robot to work.