(original post: 26.Sep.2013 – updated 29.Nov.2014)
Here is a look at our home station. I share it with the wife, KI4BQT, and we host the club digi for the Maysville Abbey Amateur Radio Club, W4IDO.
I’m on the air here, SSB during a SET if I recall correctly. The radio on the upper left is a Kenwood TM-V7A for 2m/70cm (VHF/UHF) FM mode operation. The middle radio is an Alinco DX70TH used for HF Digital work. The radio on the upper right is an Alinco DR135m3 2m radio with an Argent Data Systems Tracker2 built in TNC board used to run the W4IDO Digipeater on APRS. On the wall is mounted a 19 inch flat screen monitor that is attached to the shack computer which runs APRSIS32 for the Digi as well as FlDigi for HF digital work.
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Outside are the antennas. On the left is a 20 foot tall push up pole that holds a 3 element Diamond Yagi for 2m (VHF)/ 70cm (UHF) that is pointing southeast to catch the four repeaters we are typically using. Also on the pole is the centre of a homebrew 20m dipole that is running horizontally to a pair of trees. This dipole is usually connected to the HF digital running BPSK31.
To the right is another push up pole, this one tops out at about 40 feet, and holds three different antennas. At the top is a F23A, a 2m high gain stacked 5/8 wave that is attached to the W4IDO digi. Below that is a homebrew 2m J-pole attached to the scanner, and the little tiny antenna below that is attached to our cellular repeater.
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