Some odd camping gear from the forge.
This is a odd little tool. It’s called a pipe lighter, you stick the little knot/disk end into a fire so it get’s warm and then transfer that heat into the bowl of your pipe. It’s typically called a colonial american iten, but I’ve never found real proof of that. I’ve not used it for lighting a pipe, but I have light tiki torches, lanterns and candles with it.
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This is a fork. The loop is so you can tie it onto a belt, the business ends are fairly sharp. I coated this in canola oil so it’s food safe. You see similar forks in civil war reenactments, but I’ve seen it carried in nearly every popular reenactment period.
This little medallion is my reproduction of an iron age medallion we saw at a museum from a dig site. It’s a fairly simple design and you see the spiral shape used in several cultures, most of the times I’ve worn this with celtic garb.
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